past continuous


hola sou.jan5
Uxue Ribera
Mind Map by Uxue Ribera, updated more than 1 year ago
Uxue Ribera
Created by Uxue Ribera over 9 years ago

Resource summary

past continuous
  1. Use the Past Continuous to talk about longer actions in the past
    1. Positive form: Subject + Was/Were + infinitive+ING
      1. I was playing football
        1. We were playing football
        2. Negative form: Subject + wasn´t/weren´t + infinitive+ING
          1. I wasn´t playing
            1. We weren´t playing
            2. Interrogative, Afirmative form: Was/Were + Subject + infinitive+ING
              1. Were you playing tennis?
                1. Was she playing tennis?
                2. Interrogative, Negative form: Wasn't/Weren't + subject + infinitive+ING
                  1. Weren´t you the person that was playing volleyball?
                    1. Wasn¨t he the person that was crying?
                          1. from:: Lucía, Eliot, Uxue and Jesus.1ºeso
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