Miranda Llampallas


Este mapa mental muestra las principales características de lo que es el Aggregate planning y sus metodologías para realizarlo
Mind Map by mirillamps, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mirillamps over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Aggregate planning today
  1. Aggregate planning
    1. A firm plan its manufacturing activities
      1. Vatiety of levels
        1. Operate it as a system
        2. Covers a time between 3 to 18 months
          1. Goal
            1. Achieve a production plan
              1. Effectively utlize resources to satisfy expected demand
            2. Good resource input mix
              1. Influence
                1. Demand
                  1. Marketing and operations
                  2. Supply
                    1. Price, advertising and product mix
                  3. Lack of acceptance
                    1. Complex models
                  4. Aggregate planning in perspective
                    1. Characteristics
                      1. Time horizon=12 months
                        1. Level product demand=one or a few categories
                          1. Demand=fluctuating,seasonal or uncertain
                          2. Change supply/demand
                            1. Low inventories, good labour relations, low cost, flexibility & good customer service
                              1. Fixed cannot be expanded
                              2. Facilities
                                1. Planning
                                  1. Physical capacity
                                    1. Deals with acquisition of resources
                                    2. Scheduling
                                      1. Short range
                                        1. Deals with allocating available resources
                                    3. Decision options
                                      1. Those modifying
                                        1. Demand
                                          1. Supply
                                        2. Basic strategies
                                          1. Maintain
                                            1. Level of workforce
                                              1. Steady output rate
                                              2. Match demand
                                                1. Combination of decision variables
                                                  1. 2 factors
                                                    1. Policy
                                                      1. Cost
                                                  2. Models
                                                    1. Try to minimize: Total relevant cost
                                                      1. Minimize the deviations from prioritized goals
                                                      2. Techniques
                                                        1. Informal
                                                          1. Mathematical
                                                            1. Linear programming & extentions
                                                              1. Linear decision rule
                                                                1. Heurestic and simulation
                                                                  1. Management coefficients approach
                                                                    1. Simulation search procedures
                                                                    2. New developments
                                                                      1. Simulation model
                                                                        1. Communications can be established among production
                                                                          1. Levels for inventory, service and production can be set.
                                                                          2. Heurestic method
                                                                            1. RPCC
                                                                              1. Represents the relative value of the cost of changing the production level to the one of carrying inventory
                                                                              2. Indicators
                                                                                1. Current period ratio
                                                                                  1. Planning horizon ratio
                                                                                2. Production switching rule
                                                                                  1. Accomodate discrete production environments which rely on crew loading
                                                                                    1. Allows incorporation of overtime options & is interactive in options
                                                                                    2. Hierarchical production planning
                                                                                      1. Reduce complexity
                                                                                        1. 4 modules
                                                                                          1. Forecasting
                                                                                            1. APP
                                                                                              1. Disaggregate PP
                                                                                                1. Sequencing
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