Digital video


este mapa sirve para saber ma sobre el mapa digita su caracteriisticas y sus programas
isabella medina
Mind Map by isabella medina , updated more than 1 year ago
isabella medina
Created by isabella medina over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Digital video
  1. Characteristics
    1. cosntant bitstream
      1. Graphics effects
        1. bitstream
          1. resolution
            1. proportionality
              1. Variable bitstream
              2. The digital video is a informative text
                1. it contains
                  1. images with movements
                    1. sounds include
                  2. Forrmates most used
                    1. AVI
                      1. it is considered the best because it has very good quality and video
                      2. WMV
                        1. it was created in microsoft and is integrated with windows slides
                        2. 3GP
                          1. it is more used in cellphones
                        3. Programs used in the treament process and edition
                          1. windows
                            1. movie maker
                              1. wax
                                1. virtualduD
                                2. differents of analogous video and digital video
                                  1. analogous video is any continous signal for which the time varying feature
                                    1. digital video it is no superficial resemblace to the imformation it seeks to conveny
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