

caracteristicas del vidrio
Mind Map by a01201572, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by a01201572 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. characteristics
    1. made of silica
      1. high temperature resistant
      2. Processing
        1. hand made
          1. glass blowing
            1. characteristics
              1. creates decoartive products
                1. the shape of the product is not limited
                2. material processing
                  1. glass
                  2. used for
                    1. artistical work unique pieces handcraft products
                3. industrial
                  1. tooling process
                    1. pultrusion
                      1. centrifugal casting
                      2. water jet
                        1. used for
                          1. productions that need detail work
                          2. characteristics
                            1. water at a high pressure
                              1. clean cuts
                                1. big machinery
                                  1. can create detail cuts
                                  2. material processing
                                    1. glass metal ceramics
                                  3. CNC machining
                                    1. used for
                                      1. mass produced products like window shields for cars
                                      2. characteristcs
                                        1. low cost
                                          1. simple
                                            1. precise tolerances
                                              1. flexibility and precision when it comes to fabricating blanks beyond basic shapes
                                              2. material processing
                                                1. glass metal wood
                                              3. contact molding
                                                1. material processing
                                                  1. carbon aramid glass natural fibers
                                                  2. characteristics
                                                    1. low number of components produced in an hour
                                                      1. creates shapes with cross sections
                                                        1. use of resin
                                                      2. Press and blow molding
                                                        1. used for
                                                          1. characteristics
                                                            1. glass globes are pressed into a mold
                                                              1. high number of products made in an hour
                                                                1. high quality
                                                                  1. creates simple rounded forms
                                                                  2. material processing
                                                                    1. Glass PE PET VC HDPE
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                                                              EL VIDRIO
                                                              Dayan Riaño
                                                              javier pastrana
                                                              Tipos y clasificaciones de los Sistemas Operativos
                                                              Turismo de eventos
                                                              Proceso de Compras
                                                              Andre Roldàn !!
                                                              EL MERCADO Y SUS COMPONENTES.
                                                              Leidy Caviedes