The elephant man .


un libro de ingles
Mind Map by Martin.atc, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Martin.atc about 9 years ago

Resource summary

The elephant man .
  1. Personal Opinions
    1. I liked the book because is about mystery
      1. Very sad because the end book Joseph Merrick die
        1. Very sad because nobody likes the elephant man
        2. Themes
          1. Mystery, in chapter 1 when the people don´t know who the elephant man is.
            1. Sadness, in chapter 7 die the elephan man
              1. injustice, in chapter 2 the elephan man is taken to prision
              2. Joseph Merrick
                1. Loving, in chapter 6 visit the queen alexandra
                  1. Sad, in chapter 7 Joseph Merrick die
                    1. Mystery, in chapter 1 when the people don´t know who the elphant man is
                    2. Settings
                      1. Hospital
                        1. Prision
                          1. Theatre
                            1. Home the queen alexandra
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