Death of a Salesman


Juan Rodriguez
Mind Map by Juan Rodriguez, updated more than 1 year ago
Juan Rodriguez
Created by Juan Rodriguez over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Death of a Salesman
  1. Themes
    1. Death in life (Anderson)
      1. moral responsibility
        1. social forces
          1. alienation
          2. Movement
            1. Realist
              1. Naturalist
                1. expressionistic
                2. Devices
                  1. foreshadowings (Ibsen)
                    1. anachonies
                      1. vernacular speech
                        1. self-delusion
                          1. analepsis
                            1. Hamartia
                              1. contradictions
                                1. advertising
                                  1. anagnorisis
                                    1. linguistic realism (speech style
                                      1. dramatic irony
                                      2. memory play
                                        1. Motifs
                                          1. threat on the common and ordinary
                                            1. common man as dramatic hero (Everyman)
                                              1. Reversal of myth of A family
                                                1. birthright to prosper
                                                  1. Darwinian implications
                                                    1. myth of the open road undermined
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