David Crystal


Mind Map by rocki_sg, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rocki_sg over 9 years ago

Resource summary

David Crystal
  1. When and Where
      1. ECONOMICS
        1. THE PRESS
          1. MOTION PICTURES
            1. BROADCASTING
              1. ADVERTISING
                1. POPULAR MUSIC
                  1. TRAVEL AND SAFETY
                    1. COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS
                      1. EDUCATION
                      2. How
                        1. The language must be made the official or “co-official language” of a country to be used as a medium of communication.
                          1. The language can be made a priority in a country’s foreign-language teaching.
                          2. Why
                            1. What is the primary reason why a language becomes an international language? Think – Pair - Share
                            2. Which
                              1. New Englishes – not only “ Mother tongue varieties
                                1. Second language varieties
                                  1. World Standard Spoken English
                                    1. ELF – English as a Lingua Franca
                                    2. Whither
                                      1. Crystal concludes that we are entering a new era of ELT, in which previously held and comfortably familiar values are going to be replaced.
                                        1. Is it time for CLIL?
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                                        EXAMEN DE MATEMÁTICAS 1ER GRADO SECUNDARIA 5to Bim
                                        FELIPE SOLTERO
                                        Los grandes descubrimientos geográficos
                                        Lucía Prada
                                        Power point
                                        Emilio Andres Ra
                                        Exani II - Estructura
                                        Gastón Amato
                                        prueba 1
                                        ANGELA HIDALGO
                                        Modelo de Examen de Inglés - Selectividad
                                        Omar valeta
                                        Examen informática
                                        Cova M
                                        Resumen de Selectividad Inglés
                                        maya velasquez
                                        Prueba de Sociales y Ciudadanas
                                        D. Valenzuela