

Letras Mind Map on Variation, created by Ana Paula Demori on 11/09/2020.
Ana Paula  Demori
Mind Map by Ana Paula Demori, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Ana Paula  Demori
Created by Ana Paula Demori almost 4 years ago
Ana Paula  Demori
Copied by Ana Paula Demori almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. variation and speakers make constant use of the many different possibilities
    1. Languages they speak for a wide variety of purposes
      1. Chomsky's, linguists have argued that we should learned, without first acquiring an knowledge
      2. exploit the nuances of the languages they speak for a wide variety of purposes
      3. the variation you are permitted has limits and these limits can be described with considerable.
        1. We will see that there in considerable variation in the speech of any on individual, but there are also definite bounds to that variation
          1. Groups, too, have identities, their ways of achieving a sense of solidarity among menbers, so we will be interested in the linguistic.
            1. Acadêmica: Ana Paula Demori Carletto
        2. Language profound indicador of identity, more potente by far than cultural artifacts such as dress, food choices
          1. Some forces in society are stronger than others and produce real effects that have consequences for the lives we live.
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