Understanding Process and Process Redesign


Administración de Proyectos y Procesos
Perla Nallely Ló
Mind Map by Perla Nallely Ló, updated more than 1 year ago
Perla Nallely Ló
Created by Perla Nallely Ló almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Understanding Process and Process Redesign
  1. Steve Stanton
    1. MBA, FCB Partners
    2. Hypothetical Choice
      1. Process?
        1. Product?
          1. People?
          2. The Strategic Impact of Processes
            1. Zara
              1. Progressive Insurance
                1. Texas Instruments
                2. Process 201
                  1. Every organization has processes
                    1. But, they cross functional boundaries and so are fragmented, disjointed, disconnected, abandoned, unknown, unnamed, invisible, unmeasured, unmanaged, and unloved; and therefore, they perform poorly.
                    2. The iron triangle of customer/results/process
                      1. An indivisible triad TCPAOS
                      2. Process: end-to-end work across the enterprise
                        1. A designed group of related tasks that together create customer value structured, purposeful work in context.
                      3. The Root Problem
                        1. Engineering
                          1. Finance
                            1. Sales
                              1. SBU 1
                                1. Latin America
                                  1. Production
                                  2. Process 101: SIPOC
                                    1. Supplier
                                      1. Input
                                        1. Process
                                          1. Output
                                            1. Customer
                                    2. Process Principles
                                      1. You are what you DO
                                        1. Structure is a weak lever of change
                                          1. Strategy is based on operating capabilities
                                            1.  Strategy is a process, not a binder
                                              1. Yesterday will not be like tomorrow
                                                1. All work is process work
                                                  1. You are either getting better or getting worse
                                                  2. It’s a Turbulent World
                                                    1. Driving Factors
                                                      1. Intensified competition in every sector, Global marketplaces, Smarter customers (and better competition), New technologies.
                                                      2. The New World
                                                        1. Rapid pace of change, High levels of novelty, Extreme complexity.
                                                        2. In this Turbulence, What Do Organizations Need to Succeed?
                                                          1. Speed to market
                                                            1. High-performing new product development process.
                                                            2. Cost management
                                                              1. Reduced non-value-added work through process redesign.
                                                              2. Customer happiness
                                                                1. Give them what they want when they want it; perfect orders from the fulfillment process.
                                                                2. Innovation
                                                                  1. A process for creating and testing the new.
                                                                  2. Rapid response to external turbulence.
                                                                    1. Sense and respond processes
                                                                3. Understanding Processes
                                                                  1. Some common processes
                                                                    1. Essence
                                                                      1. Themes
                                                                      2. The Two Flavors of Process Payoff
                                                                        1. Tactical: lower costs and higher customer satisfaction
                                                                          1. Strategic: long-term sustainability
                                                                            1. Operate better, manage better, win more
                                                                          2. Company A: The ‘Improvement’
                                                                            1. Control Desk
                                                                              1. Credit Checking
                                                                                1. Pricing
                                                                                  1. Issuance
                                                                                    1. Terms and Conditions
                                                                                    2. After
                                                                                      1. Deal Structurer
                                                                                        1. Single Process Performer: Eliminates Handoffs
                                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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