Are you hungry? Você está com fome?


Mapa mental para colocar de frente a geladeira para evitar comer por ansiedade ou compulsão alimentar
Leticia  Guilherme
Mind Map by Leticia Guilherme, updated more than 1 year ago
Leticia  Guilherme
Created by Leticia Guilherme about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Are you hungry? Você está com fome?
  1. Yes
    1. Physiological hunger?
      1. Yes
        1. Is it on your lunch time?
          1. No
            1. Yes
              1. You can eat
          2. No
            1. What are you feeling? And why do you want to discount the food?
              1. Yes
                1. Annotate
                2. No
          3. No
            1. Great, then close the fridge
              1. Drink water
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