Present Perfect Vs. Simple Past


Differences between Simple past and Present Perfect. Pre-intermediate students
Liliana Quesada
Mind Map by Liliana Quesada, updated more than 1 year ago
Liliana Quesada
Created by Liliana Quesada over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Present Perfect Vs. Simple Past
  1. Present perfect has three functions
    1. 3. To talk about unfinished states, things that started in the past and continue in the present. We usually use "for" and "since" to mention the duration.
      1. I have known you for more than a year.
        1. She has been married since 1960
      2. 2. To talk abou recent past events, things that finished recently. You can use "just" in these sentences.
        1. You have just studied the first function of Present Perfect
        2. 1. To talk about past events which we know happened during the past but we don't know when exactly.
          1. I have traveled to U.S.A.
        3. Simple past
          1. Simple past is used to talk about actions and states that started and finished in the past, and we often know when this happened.
            1. I was born in Venezuela.
              1. I graduated from college in 2011
          2. Structure of Present Perfect: Have or Has + verb in past participle
            1. Have--> I, You, We, They Has--> She, He, It
              1. For negative sentences use haven't or hasn't
                1. Contractions are very common, they are: I've, you've, we've, they've, she's, he's, it's
                2. Struture of Simple Past: Verb in past, which can be regular or irregular
                  1. For negative sentences use didn't + verb in infinitive
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