Phonetics and phonology task 1


Trabajo de mapa mental clase phonetics and phonology Juan Sebastian Vergara Florez Grupo: 49
Alvaro Babilonia
Mind Map by Alvaro Babilonia, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by JUAN SEBASTIAN VERGARA FLOREZ over 8 years ago
Alvaro Babilonia
Copied by Alvaro Babilonia almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Phonetics and phonology task 1
  1. Consonant sound
    1. A consonant is a speech sound that is articulated with complete or partial closure of the vocal tract.
      1. The 21 consonant letters in the English alphabet are B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, X, Z, and usually W and Y.
        1. The letter Y stands for the consonant /j/ in yoke, the vowel /ɪ/ in myth, the vowel /i/ in funny, and the diphthong /aɪ/ in my.
    2. Vowel Sounds
      1. English Vowel Sounds A vowel letter can represent different vowel sounds: hat [hæt], hate [heit], all [o:l], art [a:rt], any ['eni].
        1. The same vowel sound is often represented by different vowel letters in writing: [ei] they, weigh, may, cake, steak, rain.
          1. Open syllable: Kate [keit], Pete [pi:t], note [nout], site [sait], cute [kyu:t].
            1. Closed syllable: cat [kæt], pet [pet], not [not], sit [sit], cut (the neutral sound [ə]).
        2. Manner of articulation
          1. This is part of the reason why it’s possible to have so many distinct consonant sounds at the same place of articulation.
            1. In English, there are six different manners of articulation that will distinguish one consonant sound from the next:
              1. Nasal
                1. Stop
                  1. Fricative
                    1. Affricate
                      1. Lateral
                        1. Approximant
                    2. international phonetic alphabet
                      1. The international phonetic alphabet is the representation of sounds of any oral language.
                        1. The components of speech production
                          1. Phonation Intonation Resonance Fluency Voice
                          2. Phonetic alphabet international pronunciation
                            1. Pulmonic
                              1. Non-Pulmonic
                                1. Vowels
                                  1. Other symbols
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