Contracciones informales en inglés


Contracciones informales en inglés ingles
Elena García Moreno
Mind Map by Elena García Moreno, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Andrea Lladro
Created by Andrea Lladro over 6 years ago
Elena García Moreno
Copied by Elena García Moreno over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Contracciones informales en inglés
  1. "TO" a "A"
    1. I gotta go = I (have) got to go
      1. I wanna go = I want to go
        1. I´m gonna go = I´m going to go
          1. I needa go = I need to go
            1. I oughta have gone = I ought to have gone
              1. I ought notta have gone = I ought not to have gone
              2. "HAVE" to "A"
                1. I shoulda gone = I should have gone
                  1. I shouldna gone = I shouldn´t have gone
                    1. I coulda gone = I could have gone
                      1. I couldna gone = I couldn´t have gone
                        1. I woulda gone = I would have gone
                          1. I wouldna gone = I wouldn´t have gone
                            1. I mighta gone = I might have gone
                              1. I might notta gone = I might not have gone
                                1. I musta gone = I must have gone
                                  1. I must notta gone = I must not have gone
                                  2. "OF" to "A"
                                    1. It seems kinda cold to be wearing shorts = It seems kind of cold


                                      • Hace un poco de frío para usar shorts
                                      1. David´s hair is sorta blond = David´s hair is sort of blond


                                        • El pelo de David es como rubio
                                        1. I got outta the car = I got out of the car
                                          1. I have a lotta money = I have a lot of money
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