
Mindmap to study and review the unit about matter
Blanca Francisco
Mind Map by Blanca Francisco, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Blanca Francisco
Created by Blanca Francisco almost 5 years ago
Blanca Francisco
Copied by Blanca Francisco almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

    1. Physical properties
      1. Hard or soft
        1. Tough or fragile
          1. Plastic, elastic or rigid
          2. Solubility
            1. Soluble
              1. Materials that disolve
              2. Insoluble
                1. Materials that don't dissolve
              3. Thermal conductivity
                1. Thermal conductors
                  1. can get hot
                  2. Thermal insulators
                    1. don't get hot
                2. PROPERTIES OF MATTER
                  1. Volume
                    1. amount of space the mass occupies
                      1. Unit of measurement cm3
                      2. Mass
                        1. amount of matter
                          1. measured in grams & kilograms
                          2. Density
                            1. the amount of mass that there is in the volume of an object
                          3. CHANGES IN MATTER
                            1. Physical changes
                              1. Shape
                                1. Place
                                  1. Temperature
                                    1. State
                                      1. composition doesn't change
                                        1. can be reversed
                                        2. Chemical changes
                                          1. Burn
                                            1. Rust
                                              1. Ferments
                                                1. Rots
                                                  1. composition changes
                                                    1. new matter is formend
                                                      1. can't be reversed
                                                    2. MIXTURES
                                                      1. Heterogeneous
                                                        1. we see the separate substances
                                                        2. Homogeneous
                                                          1. we can't see the separate substances
                                                            1. SOLUTIONS
                                                              1. Solute
                                                                1. Solvent
                                                              2. SEPARATING MIXTURES
                                                                1. FIltration
                                                                  1. to separate insoluble solids
                                                                  2. Evaporation
                                                                    1. to separate a soluble
                                                                    2. Distillation
                                                                      1. to separate a liquid or two liquids
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                                                                  Matter, materials and mixtures
                                                                  Natalia Ramos Escalada
                                                                  The Matter and its properties
                                                                  Miguel Salamanca
                                                                  MATTER AND ENERGY
                                                                  Escolapios Albacete
                                                                  MATERIAL WORLD
                                                                  Escolapios Albacete
                                                                  PROPERTIES OF MATTER
                                                                  Escolapios Albacete
                                                                  Matter in Nature
                                                                  Escolapios Albacete
                                                                  PROPIEDADES DA MATERIA
                                                                  Ana Martínez
                                                                  STATES OF MATTER
                                                                  Escolapios Albacete
                                                                  Changes of matter