Parts of the computer


Mind Map on Parts of the computer, created by Marc Acedo Moraleda on 14/02/2020.
Marc Acedo Moraleda
Mind Map by Marc Acedo Moraleda, updated more than 1 year ago
Marc Acedo Moraleda
Created by Marc Acedo Moraleda over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Parts of the computer
  1. Hardware
    1. Outside box
      1. Kyboard
        1. Mouse
          1. Screen
            1. Printer
              1. Speakers
              2. Inside box
                1. Hard disk
                  1. CD Drive
                    1. motherboard
                      1. SMPS
                        1. Memory
                          1. CPU
                            1. RAM
                          2. Sofware
                            1. Icons
                              1. Aplications Sofware
                                1. System Sofware
                                  1. Drive
                                    1. Paint
                                      1. Word
                                        1. Windows
                                          1. IOS
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