Functions of bioelements in living beings


Functions of the bioelements on living beings
Axl Roz
Mind Map by Axl Roz, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by FatimaRios23 over 9 years ago
Axl Roz
Copied by Axl Roz almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Functions of bioelements in living beings
  1. Carbon
    1. Forms many different kinds of bonds
      1. Is the backbone of macromolecules and one of the building blocks of life
      2. Makes up organic compounds
        1. Combined with oxygen and glucose in animals produces carbon dioxide, water and energy
        2. Hydrogen
          1. Is always present in organic molecules
            1. Is used quote often in enzyme reactions
              1. Creates proton gradients as a way to store/generate energy
                1. Is used in hydrochloric acid and others as a proton source for digestion
                2. Oxygen
                  1. Is necessary for cells in order to oxidize organic compounds
                    1. Necessary for respiration process
                      1. Essential to human life
                        1. is used medically for patients who require mechanical ventilation
                          1. Oxygen therapy is used as a medical treatment
                        2. Sulfur
                          1. Makes up part of the amino acids methionine and cysteine
                            1. Is essencIaL in the growth of all living things
                              1. Is a key ingredient in the formation of chlorophyll
                                1. vitaIs a building block of proteins, enzymes and mins
                                  1. s a remarkable mineral for arthritis
                                  2. Nitrogen
                                    1. Makes up amino acids
                                      1. Plants and algae convert it into organic molecules
                                        1. Nitrites can be converted into nitrosamines, a class of nitrogen compounds known to cause cancer
                                          1. Component of amino acids and urea
                                            1. Organic nitrogen can enter septic systems as bodily wastes, discarded food material, or as components of cleaning agents
                                            2. Phosphorous
                                              1. Forms part of the nucleotides
                                                1. Is part of our bones and teeth
                                                  1. Captures energy from metabolic reaction
                                                    1. In some animals it forms part of their shells
                                                      1. Is found in the phospholipids that make up most of the structure of the cell membrane, which helps maintain the pH of the cell
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