Five Senses


Tercero Ciencias Naturales Mind Map on Five Senses, created by Leyre Rey Guembe on 10/12/2019.
Leyre Rey Guembe
Mind Map by Leyre Rey Guembe, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Leyre Rey Guembe
Created by Leyre Rey Guembe about 5 years ago
Leyre Rey Guembe
Copied by Leyre Rey Guembe about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Five Senses
  1. Sight
    1. Organ
        1. We can see
              1. is protected by
                  1. Hearing
                    1. Organ
                          1. Types of sounds
                              1. other info
                              2. Smell
                                1. Organ
                                  1. Brain connexion
                                    1. Odours' types
                                    2. Taste
                                      1. Organ
                                        1. 4 basic tastes
                                                1. Brain connexion
                                                2. Touch
                                                  1. Organ
                                                    1. 6 types of feelings
                                                                1. Brain connexion
                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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