
Mindmap to study Ancient History
Blanca Francisco
Mind Map by Blanca Francisco, updated 8 months ago More Less
Blanca Francisco
Created by Blanca Francisco about 5 years ago
Blanca Francisco
Copied by Blanca Francisco about 5 years ago

Resource summary

    1. Celtiberians lived in the Iberian Peninsula
      1. Some civilisations came to the Iberian Peninsula and set up colonies
        1. Phoenicians
          1. From Asia
            1. South coast
              1. 12th century BC
                1. set up new trade routes
                2. Carthaginians
                  1. from North Africa
                    1. East
                      1. 6th century BC
                        1. Hannibal
                          1. laid siege to Saguntum
                        2. Greeks
                          1. from Greece
                            1. northeast
                              1. 8th century BC
                              2. to trade
                                1. attracted by the metal resources
                              3. THE ROMAN CONQUEST
                                1. 218 BC - 19 BC
                                  1. FIRST PHASE
                                    1. conquered Carthaginians territories of the Peninsula
                                      1. Scipio Africanus
                                        1. Carthago Nova
                                          1. Elipa
                                        2. SECOND PHASE
                                          1. fought against Lusitanians and Celtiberians
                                            1. laid siege to Numantia
                                            2. THIRD PHASE
                                              1. north of the Peninsula
                                                1. hard to conquer
                                                  1. montainous
                                                    1. people strongly resisted
                                                2. HISPANIA: ROMANISATION
                                                  1. LANGUAGE
                                                    1. Latin
                                                      1. basis of Romance languages
                                                    2. RELIGION
                                                      1. Ancient Romans
                                                        1. many gods
                                                        2. AD 312 Christianity
                                                        3. FAMOUS ROMANS
                                                          1. Trajan
                                                            1. Emperor of Rome
                                                            2. Hadrian
                                                              1. Emperor of Rome
                                                              2. Séneca
                                                                1. Roman philosopher
                                                              3. LAW
                                                                1. brought their own laws with them
                                                                2. INFRASTRUCTURE
                                                                  1. great architectures and engineers
                                                                    1. bridges
                                                                      1. aqueducts
                                                                        1. roads
                                                                        2. people in Hispania adopted Roman customs and culture
                                                                        3. THE END OF ROMAN EMPIRE
                                                                          1. Germanic people
                                                                            1. from northeast of Europe
                                                                              1. began to invade and conquer territories
                                                                              2. the Roman Empire was divided
                                                                                1. Eastern Roman Empire
                                                                                  1. richer
                                                                                    1. more stable
                                                                                    2. Western Roman Empire
                                                                                      1. poorer
                                                                                        1. fell in AD 476
                                                                                          1. last Emperor Romulus Augustus
                                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                                                      LLEGADA DE LOS ROMANOS A HISPANIA
                                                                                      Roberto Vicente Rodriguez Blanco
                                                                                      LA HISPANIA ROMANA. CONQUISTA Y ROMANIZACIÓN
                                                                                      Raúl QI
                                                                                      HISPANIA ROMANA
                                                                                      Pedro González
                                                                                      EL DERECHO EN HISPANIA
                                                                                      Alba Gonzalez
                                                                                      Test Imperi romà
                                                                                      ALEJANDRO CISCAR PASTOR
                                                                                      De la Prehistoria al reino Visigodo
                                                                                      Alba Déniz
                                                                                      Conceptos Tema 1
                                                                                      Andrea Macías Tapia
                                                                                      LA ORGANIZACIÓN POLÍTICA EN LA ÉPOCA ROMANA EN HISPANIA
                                                                                      Alba Gonzalez
                                                                                      PROCESO CONQUISTADOR Y EL NUEVO IMPERIO
                                                                                      Alba Gonzalez
                                                                                      Formación del Estado Visigodo
                                                                                      Marina Morchón