Jenifer Jones


Mapa mental para clase de inglés.
Mind Map by marisanbe, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by marisanbe over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Jenifer Jones
  1. USA
    1. California
      1. Los Angeles
        1. famous people
          1. thousands of tourists
      2. Their parents
        1. Father
          1. Peter Jones
            1. He has 56 years old
              1. Work for a movie studio
                1. graphic designer
                  1. tall
                    1. Is thin and athletic
                      1. Has blue eyes
                        1. Light brown hair
                          1. Beautiful smile
                            1. Patient, responsible and friendly
                          2. Two brothers
                            1. Aaron Jones
                              1. He has 25 years old
                                1. tall
                                  1. Goes to medical school
                                    1. hazel eyes
                                      1. athletic
                                        1. plays baseball
                                          1. has short blond hair
                                            1. Like to swim and watch T.V.
                                              1. impatient
                                                1. is a college student UCLA
                                                  1. Inteligent and happy
                                                  2. Jeremy Jones
                                                    1. He has 23 years old
                                                      1. Is college student Alabama State University
                                                        1. He is shorter than Aaron
                                                          1. His green eyes
                                                            1. Has brown hair
                                                              1. Athletic
                                                                1. Play football
                                                                  1. outgoin, friendly, very creativae
                                                                2. one sister
                                                                  1. Isabela Jones
                                                                    1. She has 17 years old
                                                                      1. she is a high school student
                                                                        1. Plans to study architectura al New York University
                                                                          1. is shorter
                                                                            1. Has blond hair
                                                                              1. blue eyes
                                                                                1. practices sports
                                                                                  1. organized, responsible, beautiful
                                                                                    1. very impatient
                                                                                  2. Mother
                                                                                    1. Carol Jones
                                                                                      1. She has 49 years old
                                                                                        1. Works as a school teacher
                                                                                          1. tall
                                                                                            1. Is a physical education teacher
                                                                                              1. Practices karate
                                                                                                1. has blond hair
                                                                                                  1. green eyes
                                                                                                    1. beautiful teeth
                                                                                                2. She is youngest child of the house
                                                                                                  1. Has 14 years old
                                                                                                    1. is student in high school
                                                                                                      1. short
                                                                                                        1. friendly
                                                                                                          1. relaxed and messy
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