Environmental psychology


Environmental psychology, definition and evolution References: Pol, E. (2006). Blueprints for a History of Environmental Psychology (I): From First Birth to American Transition. Department of Social Psychology. Universitat de Barcelona. 7(2). 95-113. Retrieved from: https://mach.webs.ull.es/PDFS/Vol7_2/Vol7_2_e.pdf Churchman, A., & Bechtel, R. (2002). Handbook of environmental psychology. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Andrea Ojeda
Mind Map by Andrea Ojeda, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrea Ojeda
Created by Andrea Ojeda about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Environmental psychology
  1. Definition
    1. Interdisciplinary research of the influence of the environment on behaviour, holistic perspective, qualitative observational methodology combined with quantitative techniques
    2. Evolution
      1. Firts birth
        1. Hellpach : Psychologie der Umwelt
          1. Environment –Umwelt– exerts a threefold influence on people
        2. Second birth
          1. American transition
            1. More experimental and academic
              1. 5. Lewin
                1. ecological psychology, "life space", participatory research
                2. 6. Environmental perception
                  1. Correspondence between physical environment and the perception we have of it (Bonnes & Secchiarioli, 1995)
                    1. 1. Brunswik “environmental probability” (1943)
                      1. 2. Gibson: people perceive directly the meaning of the environment
                        1. 3. Ames: individuals have an active role and build their perception
                      2. 7. Cognitive mappings
                        1. Tolman: rats create “mental” maps
                          1. Midwest Psychological Field Station: studying people’s behaviour under natural conditions. (Founded by Barker & Wright)
                        2. 1.Personal space
                          1. 1.1. Stern's idea 1.2. Hans & Martha Muchow: environment of young people
                          2. 2.Gestalt Psychology
                            1. 2.1. Holistic viewpoint to account for behaviour 2.2. Koffka
                            2. 3.Urban psychology
                              1. 3.1. Modern Architecture
                                1. 3.2. Chicago School of Sociology
                                  1. growth of cities and deviant behaviour
                                  2. Concern for the transitional society. habitat, the city
                                    1. George Simmel
                                    2. urban issues and symbolic interactionism
                                    3. 4. Work Psychology
                                      1. Psychothechnik (William Stern in 1903)
                                        1. Marie Jahoda: Labour psychology
                                      2. Third Phase
                                        1. Architectural psychology
                                        2. Fourth phase
                                          1. Environmental psychology for sustainability
                                            1. pro environmental behaviors
                                              1. Ecological Self
                                                1. Social dimension, collective interdependences

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