

ETIM Inglês Mind Map on Sustentability, created by Eduardo Cardoso on 14/10/2017.
Eduardo Cardoso
Mind Map by Eduardo Cardoso, updated more than 1 year ago
Eduardo Cardoso
Created by Eduardo Cardoso almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Awareness
    1. Renewable energy
      1. Reuse of water
        1. Economy
          1. Water
            1. Food
              1. Other resources
          2. Energy
            1. Wind
              1. Hydraulic
                1. Solar
              2. Replanting
                1. Recycling
                  1. Exploration control
                    1. Ores
                      1. Forests
                  2. Organic food
                    1. without wastage
                      1. Reduce pollution
                        1. Without the use of plastic bags
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