Lesson 2


Language Guide Basic 1 Lesson 2 Are any changes necessary
Cidcley Barbosa
Mind Map by Cidcley Barbosa, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Cidcley Barbosa
Created by Cidcley Barbosa almost 7 years ago
Cidcley Barbosa
Copied by Cidcley Barbosa almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Lesson 2
  1. Demonstrative Pronouns
    1. Plural: "These are English books." (close) "Those are my bikes." (distant)
      1. Singular: "This is Mark." (close) "That is my sister." (distant)
      2. Question Words: Who and What
        1. Who → Questions about people
          1. Who + Is/Are + Subject Pronouns?
          2. What → Questions about objects and things in general
            1. What + Is/Are + Demonstrative Pronouns?
          3. Verb To Be: Review
            1. Type of personal information we can share using the verb to be
              1. Age: "I am 34 years old."
                1. Feeling (Temporary or Permanent): "Tony is excited about his results."
                  1. Location (Temporary or Permanent): "Mary is at school."
                    1. Description: "Jack is athletic."
                      1. Description: "Jack is athletic."
                        1. Marital Status: "Carol is married and Tim is single."
                        2. Stay Alert
                          1. I’m not a teacher. → informal or speaking
                            1. I am not a teacher. → formal, emphatic, or writing
                          2. Verb To Have
                            1. Possession
                              1. Physical Description
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