The Cell


A flow chart that explains the first unit of biology for grade 10.
Hanna L
Flowchart by Hanna L, updated more than 1 year ago
Hanna L
Created by Hanna L over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • The Cell
  • Eukaryote
  • Prokaryote
  • Does not contain a nucleus or other membrane-bound organelles  
  • Contains a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles
  • Single-celled (ex. amoeba)
  • Multi-cellular (ex. plant or animal cells)
  • The cell theory states that : 1- All cells come from other cells 2- All living things are made up of cells 3- The cell is the simplest unit that carries out all life's functions
  • All organelles are suspended inside of the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm is also the site of many chemical reactions.
  • The nucleus is a roughly spherical structure that controls all the cells activities with genetic information. Genetic information is stored in DNA in chromosomes
  • The mitochondria is called the "powerhouse of the cell" because it makes energy available to the cell with cellular respiration. Cellular respiration takes glucose and oxygen and converts it into carbon dioxide, water, and energy.
  • The endoplasmic reticulum is a three-dimensional passageway of tubes and pockets that transport materials through the cell
  • Golgi bodies collect and process materials to be removed from the cell. They also make and secrete mucus
  • The cell membrane is a flexible double-layered membrane that surround all organelles. It allows some materials to pass through but not others
  • The ribosomes produce proteins by linking amino acids together.
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