
Beginning of the world - our place in the world - environmental issues - people & animals - talents
Flashcards by sarahrudolf, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sarahrudolf over 10 years ago

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Question Answer
To a religious believer, what is the meaning of creation? The act of making something or the thing that has been made
To a religious believer, what is the meaning of dominion? Having 'Lordship' over something
To a religious believer, what is the meaning of humanity? The human race/the caring human nature towards each other
To a religious believer, what is the meaning of soul? The spiritual part of the human - the part believed to be separated from the body & live on after death
To a religious believer, what is the meaning of Stewardship? The idea that God gave humans the Earth, but expects us to look after it
To a religious believer, what is the meaning of talents? Skills that you have/things that you can do well - religious believers been they are 'God-given'
To a religious believer, what is the meaning of Khalifah? The idea that Muslims are responsible for the environment as Allah's 'trustee's'
What are 2 main types of Scientific arguments over how the world began? -COSMOLOGICAL THEORY: the Big Bang Theory -EVOLUTIONARY THEORY: Darwism
What are the Christian ideas about how the world began? By the Bible reading of GENESIS, some Christians believe God created the world in 6 days. The ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH have accepted the Big Bang Theory - it could symbolise a more GRADUAL EVOLUTION.
What are the Muslim ideas about how the world began? Very similar to GENESIS - Allah created the world & everything in it. Passages in the Qu'ran SUPPORT SCIENTIFIC THEORIES. Qu'ran states that Allah created Adam by clay & breathed life & soul into him - that is where all humans descend from.
Why do religious believers think that humans are different from animals? We are created by God & HIS IMAGE. Humans have 2 parts; a body & a soul. A soul is what sets us apart from animals
What are the Christian reasons for why we are here on Earth today? -God simply enjoyed creating us & wants relationships with us "all things were created by him and for him" -STEWARDSHIP
What are the Muslim reasons for why we are here on Earth today? -To serve and worship Allah "And I did not create mankind except to worship me" -Our life is a TEST -KHALIFAH
What are the scientific reasons for why we are here on Earth today? -We HAVE NO REASON to be here; we are products of billions of years of evolution, 'just the way things turned out'. -We have evolved 'special human characteristics' to help our genes survive
What are some environmental problems on Earth? -Global Warming -Pollution -Deforestation -Extinction
What are the Christian ideas about the environment? -We have no right to abuse God's creation & must take part in STEWARDSHIP -Everything is INTERDEPENDENT; what we harm will reflect on us. -We will be punished in afterlife if we don't look after Earth
What Christian organisations help with looking after the environment? CAFOD & CHRISTIAN AID
What are the Muslim views on the environment? -We must take part in KHALIFAH because we are Allah's TRUSTEES -The Earth is a product of the love of Allah so we must treat it with LOVE -On the DAY OF JUDGEMENT we will have to answer to any bad treatment of the planet
What are some animal issues in the world? -Animal experimentation -Factory farming -Extinction -Cloning -Zoos & circuses
What are the Christian teachings on animals and why they are here? -Humans have DOMINION over animals -They may be used to benefit mankind but we must consider their suffering -ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH tolerate using animals for our needs -QUAKERS oppose to ALL ILL-TREATMENT of animals -We must not spent a lot of money on animals when there is still POVERTY in the world
What is a passage in the Bible that encourages human dominion over animals? "Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground"
What are the Muslim teachings on animals and why they are here? -Animal cruelty is FORBIDDEN because that would be humans using animals for PLEASURE rather than NEEDS -We should show mercy & compassion for all living creatures -If they are used for meat they should be killed humanely to limit their suffering (HALAL MEAT)
What is a quote from the Prophet Muhammed that suggests animals should be killed humanely? "When you slaughter, slaughter in a good way. So every one of you should sharpen his knife, and let the slaughtered animal die comfortably"
What are the religious teachings on talents? God gave them to us to use to benefit the world & humankind - things like care for the sick & improve the environment. We should use them to SERVE GOD.
What teaching in the Bible teaches Christians how to use their talents? The Parable of Talents - it doesn't matter how many talents you have, its what you do with them that counts. It's when you don't try that God will get angry
What are 3 organisations in religion that help individuals use their talents to care for the planet? -FAITHS4CHANGE -LA ROCHA (Christian) -IFEES (Muslim)
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