Key decisions made by the Supreme Court


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Dan Bacon
Flashcards by Dan Bacon, updated more than 1 year ago
Dan Bacon
Created by Dan Bacon over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The US Supreme Court and the protection of rights The Supreme Court has become integral in the battle for civil rights. This is because of the power of Judicial Review - this was 'found' in the Marbury v Madison case in 1803. This gave the Court the power to Court to declare Acts of Congress, actions of the executive and acts or actions of State Governments unconstitutional
Freedom of Religion The 1st Amendment begins ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof’
Engel v White (1962) The court declared that ...
School District of Abingdon Township v Schempp (1963) The court declared that ...
Wallace v Jaffree (1985) The court declared that ...
Lee v Weisman (1992) The court declared that ...
Zelman v Simmons-Harris (2002) The court declared that ...
Freedom of Speech The 1st Amendment also states ‘Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press’.
Buckley v Velo (1976) The court declared that ...
McConnell v Federal Election Commission (2004) The court decleared that ...
Citizens United v Federal Election Commission (2010) The court declared that ...
Reno v US Civil Liberties Union (1997) The court declared that ...
Ashcroft v Free Speech Coalition (2002) The court declared that ...
Texas v Johnson (1989) US v Eichman (1990) The court declared that ...
Gun control The Founding Fathers believed that an armed citizenry was the ultimate check against a tyrannical government - the second amendment is seen as protection for this
Different interpretations? ‘A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed’. Does this mean individuals have the right to a gun or should there be state militias
US v Lopez (1995) The court declared that ...
Printz v US (1997) The court declared that ...
District of Columbia v Heller (2008) The court declared that ...
McDonald v City of Chicago (2010) The court declared that ...
Capital Punishment The 8th amendment prevents 'cruel and unusual punishment'. However, when the constutition was written, the use of a death penalty would not have been considered 'cruel and unusual'. Cases have been around how it is implemented
Furman v Georgia (1972) The court declared that ...
Ring v Arizona (2002) The court declared that ...
Atkins v Virginia (2002) The court declared that ...
Roper v Simmons (2005) The court declared that ...
Baze v Rees (2008) The court declared that ...
Jackson v Hobbs (2012) Miller v Alabama (2012) The court declared that ...
Glossip v Gross (2015) The court declared that ...
Healthcare Reform 'Obamacare' has become deeply polarising in US politics. Republicans are determined to overturn the legislation and there has been key decisions in the Supreme Court
National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) v Sebelius (2012) The court declared that ...
King v Burwell (2015) The court declared that ...
Abortion Since the 1960s this has become a key dividing line in US politics. Pro-life and pro-choice campaigners have fought many legal battles over the legality of abortion
Roe v Wade (1973) The court declared that ...
Webster v Reproductive Health Services (1989) The court declared that ...
SE Pennsylvania v Casey (1992) The court declared that ...
Gonzales v Carhart (2007) The court declared that ...
Whole Woman’s Health v Hellerstedt (2016) The court declared that ...
Civil Rights The Supreme Court has been at the forefront of the battle for civil rights, be it the cause of African-Americans in the 1950s and 1960s, through to the battle for LGBT rights in the 21st century
Brown v Board of Education of Topeka (1954) The court ruled that ...
Swann v Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education (1971) The court ruled that ...
Parents Involved in Community Schools Inc. v Seattle School District (2007) Meredith v Jefferson County (Kentucky) Board of Education (2007) The court ruled that ...
Adarand Constructors v Pena (1995) The court ruled that ...
Gratz v Bollinger (2003) Grutter v Bollinger (2003) The court ruled that ...
Fisher v University of Texas (2016) The court ruled that ...
Lawrence v Texas (2003) The court ruled that ...
Obregefell v Hodges (2015) The court ruled that ...
Presidential Power Often the court is the ultimate check on the power of the President - in Bush v Gore (2000) it decided the actual outcome of the election. The court can rule actions of any member of the executive branch as unconstitutional
United States v Richard Nixon (1974) The court ruled that ...
Clinton v Paula Jones (1997) The court ruled that ...
Rasul v Bush (2004) The court ruled that ...
Hamdan v Rumsfeld (2006) The court ruled that ...
Boumediene v Bush (2008) The court ruled that ...
National Labor Relations Board v Noel Canning (2014) The court ruled that ...
United States v Texas (2016) The court ruled that ...
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