Created by paige_mcconville
almost 12 years ago
Question | Answer |
Feld | field |
Fenster | window |
flach | flat |
Flur | corridor |
Gebäude | building |
Gegend | area |
Hafen | harbour |
Haltestelle | stop |
Hauptbahnhof | main station |
Haushalt | household |
Hecke | hedge |
Herd | cooker |
Hochhaus | high rise building |
Hügel | hill |
Insel | island |
Blick | look/glance |
Kleiderschrank | wardrobe |
klingeln | to ring |
klopfen | to knock |
Kommode | chest of drawers |
Kopfkissen | pillow |
Landkarte | map |
leben | to live |
Leben | life |
leeren | to empty |
legen | to lay down |
licht | light |
Mauer | wall |
Miete | rent |
Möbel | piece of furniture |
Nachbar | neighbour |
Ofen | heater |
Pflanze | plant |
putzen | to clean |
Rathaus | town hall |
Blume | flower |
Regal | shelves |
Reihenhaus | terraced house |
Schrank | cupboard |
setzen | to put |
Sitz | seat |
Spiegel | mirror |
Stadtmitte | town/city centre |
Stadtplan | town/city map |
Stadtrand | outskirts of town |
stecken | to be stuck |
Stuhl | chair |
Tisch | table |
Topf | pot |
Traum | dream |
Tür | door |
Turm | tower |
Boden | ground |
umgeben | to surround |
Ampel | traffic lights |
Brücke | bridge |
anklopfen | to knock |
anmachen | to put up |
aufstehen | to get up |
Ausfahrt | departure |
umziehen | to move (house) |
Umgebung | surroundings |
Badewanne | bath |
verlassen | to leave |
Bauernhaus | farmhouse |
Bücherei | library |
Bauernhof | farm |
Vorhang | curtain |
Baum | tree |
Bürgersteig | pavement |
Berg | hill |
Wald | wood |
Busbahnhof | bus station |
Wand | wall |
decken | to cover |
Wiese | meadow |
Dom | cathedral |
Doppelhaus | semi detached house |
Dorf | village |
Erdgeschoss | ground floor |
Essecke | eating area |
Etage | floor |
Feiertag | holiday |
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