Evangelism, Chapter 9, Paul's Evangelism Practices


Evangelism, Chapter 9, Paul's Evangelism Practices
Julie Gholston
Flashcards by Julie Gholston, updated more than 1 year ago
Julie Gholston
Created by Julie Gholston over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Human persuasion is an inadequate means of evangelism because 9-1 d - all of the above a. it relies on convincing people to do something based on existing human desires b. the Holy Spirit must be at work in the listener c. the Holy Spirit must be at work in the speaker
The believer should pray which three ways for evangelistic needs? 9-2 1. Specifically and regularly for nonbelievers, 2. for diving appointments, that 3. other believers will be effective witnesses
A person's acceptance of the Bible as God's inspired Word 9-3 Can be valuable but does not supplant the central truth of believing in Jesus Christ
From a biblical viewpoint, Christians who call nonbelievers outsiders 9-4 recognize the need to communicate the gospel in terms the lost will understand
In today's culture, the term Christian 9-5 should be used with synonyms such as believer or follower of Christ
What two tools are vital to personal evangelism? 9-6 Sharing a personal testimony and praying with people
Opportunities for witnessing and praying with people usually come 9-7 over time as a relationship develops
All people have a deep, personal need for 9-8 genuine love
Jesus' primary approach to ministry was to 9-9 connect with individuals and tailor His teachings and miracles to respond to their needs
Most people come to faith in Christ in response to 9-10 the personal witness of someone they know
What key aspect of Jesus' prayer life set it apart as the believer's supreme example? 9-11 Jesus prayed to God as His Father, demonstrating that prayer is not ceremony but active relationship
Why is human persuasion unequal to the task of evangelism? 9-12 Human persuasion appeals to human desires that may not agree with God's desires
What influence contributes to people's inability to believe the gospel? 9-13 Satan, "the god of this world" blinds the mind of the lost
What three practices should characterize the believer's evangelistic prayers? 9-14 1. Prayer specifically and regularly for nonbelievers they know. 2. Pray for divine appointments 3. Pray for other believers that God will open doors of opportunity to them
How vital is the Holy Spirit to the ministry of the believer? 9-15 The Holy Spirit must be at work through the believer for any ministry to be effective. The Spirit both empowers the evangelist and opens the heart of the lost.
What double function does Paul identify as the help God offers during evangelism? 9-16 1. God helps the unbeliever become receptive to the gospel. 2. He assists the believer to communicate the message
What does Paul's prayer request reveal about his priorities in personal evangelism? 9-17 Paul understood that boldness and clarity were necessities in any gospel witness
Must an unbeliever first understand the Bible's inspiration in order to be saved? 9-18 Although its valuable if an unbeliever accepts the Bible as God's Word, the crux of any salvation decision in the belief in Jesus Christ as God's Son and one's personal Savior and confession of that belief.
What message is consistently presented to unbelievers in the Book of Acts? 9-19 The message of the early Christians focused on the Person, Jesus Christ. (Person = both man and God in one body)
What must accompany any verbal presentation of the gospel? 9-20 A compelling gospel witness must be by a living, evident relationship with Christ
Why is the bible term outsider appropriate for a nonbeliever? 9-21 The term correctly describes the nonbeliever's disconnect not only with the christian faith, but with the culture and terminology of the church
Why are predetermined witnessing programs often inadequate to the task of connecting the lost with the gospel? 9-22 A predetermined approach to evangelism often assumes a basic understanding of Judeo-Christian concepts and fails to communicate with the spiritually ignorant nonbeliever
What is one approach that lays a clear foundation for the nonbeliever to recognize his or her spiritual need? 9-23 Communicating God's purpose and plan for every person's life can direct the nonbeliever's attention to the more elusive concept of salvation
How has the term Christian been misappropriated? 9-24 Social and political overtones have crowded out, in some people's minds, the term's personal identification of the believer with Christ
What is the broader meaning of the word missionary? 9-25 The term really means "sent one" and is not limited to a presentation of the gospel on foreign soil. All believers are sent outside the church to share the good news.
What was Jesus' motivation for reaching out to the Samaritan woman? 9-26 Jesus thrived on the opportunity to meet someone's spiritual need
Why is prayer life and spiritual discipline critical to our evangelistic effectiveness? 9-27 Through prayer and discipline, we hone spiritual alertness to the opportunities God creates for us to touch the lost.
What are two vital tools in personal evangelism? 9-28 1. Sharing a personal testimony 2. praying with people (can be effective evangelistic practices in every believer's life.)
Why is personal evangelism a long-term commitment? 9-29 Evangelism is most effective when it is built on a relationship developed over time rather than on a presentation that is memorized for instant delivery.
What caution must believers keep in mind when looking for opportunities to share the gospel? 9-30 Even divine appointments do not usually come in convenient packages. Believers must be careful not to overlook the opportunities for witness that God provides.
Why is it vital that one's lifestyle be consistent with ones spoken testimony? 9-31 Today's society is increasingly skeptical of Christianity, and the believer's life must back up the believer's witness.
How must the believer's action toward others mirror God's actions toward him or her? 9-32 Just as God's love is not in response to anything the believer has done, the believer must genuinely love even those who can do nothing for him or her in return.
How must the believer deal with the issue of sin when sharing the gospel? 9-33 It is essential to identify the lost's sinfulness in the context of Christ's offer of forgiveness and eternal life.
What is one of the greatest hindrances to effective personal evangelism? 9-34 Any form of insincerity or inconsistency between the believer's lifestyle and message will fatally compromise the impact of the gospel.
Why is it wrong to universally condemn benevolent acts as evidence of giving in to a secular, social gospel? 9-35 Jesus commanded believers to let their good works be evident to the world so God would be glorified.
What was Jesus' primary approach to ministry? 9-36 Jesus connected with individuals and tailored His teachings and miracles to respond to their neesds.
How can a focus on souls rob the believer of effective outreach? 9-37 While every person is an eternal soul, the concept of the soul can become an impersonal substitute for the real needs of real people.
What are the two implications of Paul's focus on individual evangelism? 9-38 The Greek word translated "every" in Paul's stated objective of presenting "every man complete in Christ" refers to individual people and to every type of person in a multicultural environment. (each and every one)
How do most people come to faith in Christ? 9-39 Most people who make a salvation decision do so in response to the personal witness of someone they know as opposed to the testimony of a stranger.
How should the reality of eternity impact the believer's commitment to personal evangelism? 9-40 Everyone will spend eternity in heaven or hell. That truth should motivate the believer to move beyond canned or rehearsed references to the gospel and direct all energy to a coherent, living presentation of the good news.
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