Topology Flash Cards


In the lonely town of Harpenden one boy has to break the norm and create the world best flash card in existence. But time is running out and will he be able to finish in time for the big event??!
Jack Willson
Flashcards by Jack Willson, updated more than 1 year ago
Jack Willson
Created by Jack Willson almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Bus Topology Advantages: easy to set up cheap Disadvantages: backbone problems can bring down the whole thing limited distance can be covered many data collisions slow the network down
Star Topology Advantages: robust fewer data collisions than bus so faster Disadvantages: needs more expertise to maintain can be expensive to set up because more building work involved and more network hardware and software needed
Ring Topology Advantages: Very fast - no collisions Disadvantages: Problems with the backbone can bring the whole network down Data passes through every node - this makes the network vulnerable to malfunctions
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