Reliability Assessment


SNHP 8200 Reliability Assessment Flashcards
Donna Myers
Flashcards by Donna Myers, updated more than 1 year ago
Donna Myers
Created by Donna Myers about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Reliability How consistently a measurement technique measures the concept of interest under similar testing conditions.
Parallel test reliability Consistency of measurement using alternative forms of the same instrument.
Test-retest reliability Consistency of repeated measurement of a variable over time.
Inter-rater reliability Consistency in how different observers score behaviors or phenomena.
Intra-rater reliability Consistency in how the same observer scores behaviors or phenomena.
Internal consistency reliability Items within an instrument correlate with each other and measure the same construct.
Cronbach’s alpha (α) Statistic used to report internal consistency reliability of a scale.
Kappa Statistic Chance-corrected measure of agreement for inter-rater reliability. Compares agreement against that which might be expected by chance.
Intraclass correlation Ratio of between-groups variance to total variance used to measure inter-rater and test-retest reliability.
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