Basic Python - Lists


Lists concepts for basic Python 2
Rebecca Noel
Flashcards by Rebecca Noel, updated more than 1 year ago
Rebecca Noel
Created by Rebecca Noel about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
T/F?: A list is mutable, meaning the elements inside can be changed. True
A list is constructed by... - assigning the list to a variable - construct the list between brackets [] - and separate elements with commas
What is the difference between the len() function with lists vs. strings? len() of list will tell you how many elements are in the list. len() of string will tell you how many characters are in string.
T/F?: You can concatenate lists like with strings. True
T/F?: When you concatenate a list that permanently changes the list. False. You have to reassign the list in order to add something permanently. my_list = my_list + ['new thing']
What are two major reasons lists in Python are more flexible than arrays in other languages? 1. the lists have no fixed size 2. and no fixed type constraint
What is the default indexed item in the pop() method? l.pop() -1
Can you index something that doesn't have an item in the list? No, it will output an error
What does nesting mean with Python lists? You can put data structures within data structures. (a list inside a list)
T/F?: We use several sets of brackets to narrow down the item within the list within the list. True. matrix[0][0]
What does Python's advanced feature called list comprehensions allow? It allows for quick construction of lists. Like grabbing just the first element of every list.
Jupyter Notebook: When typing you can hit tab to... auto complete the word
Jupyter Notebook: After typing in method you can shift + tab to ... see what the method does
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