Computing flashcards


these flash cards help you revise your key words for computing
Sam Shaw
Flashcards by Sam Shaw, updated more than 1 year ago
Sam Shaw
Created by Sam Shaw about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Pseudocode A way of writing instructions for a computer program just using normal English
Logical reasoning The application of rules to problem-solving
Syntax Rules governing how to write statements in programming language
Sorted When things are put into order, eg from largest to smallest
Programming The process of writing computer software
Program Sequences of instructions for a computer
Loop A method used in programming to repeat a set of instructions
Keyword An important word that will help return accurate search results
Variable In a computer program, this is a memory location where values are stored
Instruction A single action that can be performed by a computer processor
Criteria A set of rules or conditions that must be met. Often used in searches
Input Entries or changes which are inserted into a system and which activate /modify a process
Iteration In computer programming, this is a single pass through a set of instructions
Notation A system of written symbols or graphics used to represent something in order to aid communication and understanding
Output Either an exit or changes which exit a system and which activate or modify a process
Pattern recognition Finding similarities and patterns in order to solve complex problems more efficiently
Selection A decision within a computer program when the program decides to move on based on the results of an event
Sequence In computer programming, this is a set of actions that follow on one
Programming language A language used by a programmer to write a piece of software. There are many programming languages
Serial search A simple method of searching, in which the search moves from one item to next in sequence, until either a match is found or end of the data is reached with no match found
Specification A statement that tells the designer exactly what the product has to do and what the design requirements are
Abstraction The process of separating and filtering out ideas and specific details that are not needed in order to concentrate on those that are needed
Data type The format in which a variable or constant holds data, such as 'integer' or 'string'
Design criteria Principles and standard that designers should meet in designing a system
Flowchart A diagram that shows a process, made up of boxes representing
Algorithm A sequence of logical instructions for carrying out a task in computing. Algorithms are needed to design computer programs
Condition In computing. This is a statement or sum that is either true or false. A computation depends on whether a condition equates to true or false
Counter A device which stores (and/or displays) the number of times a particular event or process has occurred
Database A system designed to store data in an organised way, making to search for the information you need
Bubble sort A sorting algorithm that repeatedly passes through a list to be sorted, comparing and swapping items that are in the wrong order
Data Units of information. In computing there can be different data types including integers, characters, and Boolean. Data is often acted on by instructions
Decomposition The breaking down of a system into smaller parts that is easier to search for the information you need
Bucket sort A sorting algorithm that separates data into different collections, called buckets, which are filled with data and then sorted
Binary search A faster method of searching, in which data being searched is halved with every step
Computation thinking A problem-solving method using computer science techniques, where possible solutions are developed and presented in
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