Stats 151 - Testing a Hypotheses


Chemistry 101 Stats 151 Flashcards on Stats 151 - Testing a Hypotheses, created by jennabarnes12387 on 03/03/2014.
Flashcards by jennabarnes12387, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jennabarnes12387 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
how do claims work? there are always two different claims. e.g. an accused is either guilty or not guilty
what is Ho the side of the hypotheses that is assumed correct until disproven
what is Ha the side that has to be proven with evidence
what is the difference between type I and type II errors type II is more harmful such as letting a murderer go free or marketing a useless drug. type I is less harmful such as putting an innocent man in jail or not marketing a drug that works
how do you test two possible ideas? take the Uo of the two bell curves and see which is closer to the sample mean
the hypotheses is? a claim about the hypotheses
if you are testing if a drug works how do name the sides of the hypothesis? Ho if it has no effect because this side is null. Ha is it works because this is the alternative
what does x bar do in terms of a hypothesis? it deduces if the hypothesis is rejected or accepted
how do u calculate whether to accept or reject a hypothesis using the normal curves? draw the curves labeling then Ho and Ha. then caulculate the differences between Mo and x bar. find Za to find the rejection region and the accepted region and see which section your x value falls in
what are the steps for solving a hypothesis at significance level? first find out what part is the Ho and the Ha. then specify the significance level alpha. find the test statistics and the critical value. calculate test statistics. make the decision or conclusion
how would you test the hypothesis that the diameter of a cylinder is 50 cm? Ho is the diameter is 50. Ha is it is not 50. the percent significance level will be given. use this to find the alpha sections on the graph a/2. calculate for z or t statistics in this case z.
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Statistics 151 - Data Collection
Stats 151 - Z-Scores
Stats 151 - Mean, Standard Deviation, and Empire Rule for Random Variables and Binomial Distribution
Statistics 151 - Qualitative Con. and Quantitative Data
Stats 151 - Normal Curve Z Scores and Probability
Stats 151 - Assigning Probability to Events
Stats 151 - Range, 68-95-99.7 rule, Chebychev's rule, and percentiles
Stats 151 - Random Variables and Probability Mas Function
Stats 151 - Representation of Continuous Random Data
Stats 151 - Estimating population mean from sample mean
Stats 151 - Predicting Outcomes with Probability