Hesi A2 Grammer


4 Hesi A2 Flashcards on Hesi A2 Grammer , created by Renee Hamilton on 08/07/2016.
Renee Hamilton
Flashcards by Renee Hamilton, updated more than 1 year ago
Renee Hamilton
Created by Renee Hamilton over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Noun Definition: Person, place, or thing. Example: She, he, it, hospital, or ball
Pronoun Definition: Replace nouns and make sentences sound less repetitive. Example: Singular; I, me, mine, you, your, he, or him. Plural: We, us, our, they.
Verb Definition: Action words Example: Running, playing, writing, walking, or crying.
Adjectives Definition: Words that describe a noun. Example: Little boy, big girl, smart boy, or nice person.
Adverb Definition: Describe verbs, adjectives, and even other adverbs. Example: The doctor had recently hired a new employee. Recently is the adverb as it tells us more about how the action hire took place.
Prepositions Definition: Describes the location of the noun or pronoun. Example: The nurse parked her car in a parking garage. In describes the position of the car in relation to the garage.
Conjunctions Definition: Connect words, phrases, and clauses. Example: FANBOYS; for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
FANBOYS Definition: Used to join independent clauses that can stand alone in a sentence. Example: The nurse prepared the patient for surgery, and the doctor performed the surgery. Conjunction and joins together two independent clauses.
Dependent Clauses Definition: Cannot stand on its own. Example: She had to ride the subway because her car was broken. Conjuction because joins together the two clauses.
Interjections Definition: Like wow and hey, express emotion. Example: Wow, hey, hi, or awesome
Comma Definition: Joins two independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction.
Semicolon Definition: Joining together two dependent clauses (never with a conjunction)
Colon Definition: Introducing a list, explanation, or definition.
Apostrophe Definition: Form contractions and show possession/ownership. Example: Contractions like it's = 'S plural & possessive = S' Singular = 'S Name ends in S = S' Women = women's; Boys = boys'; hers,yours, theirs, whose, ours = No apost.
Simple Sentence Definition: Has one independent clause, subject, and verb. Example: Two word sentence like, I ran.
Compound Sentence Definition: Has two or more independent clauses and no dependent clauses. Example: Uses commas & coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS) like, My computer broke, so I took it to be repaired.
Complex Sentence Definition: Has one independent clause and atleast one dependent clause. Example: If you lie down with dogs, you'll wake up with fleas. First clause is dependent and second clause is independent.
Compound-complex sentences Definition: Has two or more independent clauses and at least one subordinate clause. Example: Even though David was a vegetarian, he went with his friends to the steak houses, but he focused on the conversation instead of the food.
Predicate Definition: Verb of sentence. Example: Due to her stingy nature, the famous actress was not generous with her friends and family. Answer = Was & generous
Simple Predicate Definition: Describes verb in sentence. Example: So many types of birthday cake put Cynthia at a loss. Answer = Put
Effect & Affect Definitions: Effect = Executed, produced, or brought about. Affect = Made an impact on.
Indirect object Definition: Is the recipient of the direct object. Example: The mountain climber tossed the Sherpa the rope. Answer = Sherpa
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