Force and laws of motion


Why does the speed of an object change with time? Do all motion require a cause? If so, what is the need to of this cause ? In this set of flash cards we shall make an attempt to quench all such curiosities.
Muskaan Hossain
Flashcards by Muskaan Hossain, updated more than 1 year ago
Muskaan Hossain
Created by Muskaan Hossain over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What was believed until Gallieo Galilei and Isaac newton developed an entirely different approach to understand motion? Which observation suggested it? A ball on the ground, when given a small hit, does not live forever. Such observations suggest that rest is the natural state of an object. This remained the belief until Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton developed an entirely different approach to understand motion.
What do we observe in our everyday life? In our everyday life, we observe that some effort is required to put a stationary object into motion or to stop a moving object.
How do we humans ordinarily experience that an effort is required to put a stationary object into motion or to stop a moving object? We humans ordinarily experience that an effort is required to put a stationary object into motion or to stop a moving object as a muscular effort and say that we must push or hit or pull on an object to change its state of motion .
What does the pictures suggest? The trolley moves along the direction we push it.
What does this picture suggest? The drawer is pulled along the direction we pull it.
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