Living the Jewish Life- Mikveh Notes


Multi-Faith Topi on Jews
Marwah Gul
Flashcards by Marwah Gul, updated more than 1 year ago
Marwah Gul
Created by Marwah Gul over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Mikveh Definition- A ritual bath used for spiritual purification- primarily in conversion rituals and after the period of sexual separation during a woman's menstrual cycle
There is a female attendant that makes sure the ritual is carried out right. Reformed synagogues do not carry out the ritual. The Mikveh is part of the Chukim so keeping these is regarded as a test of faith. The Mikveh is vital for keeping the laws regarding Family Purity. It is mentioned in the Midrash- a book in the Torah. the ritual takes place after mensturation before and after marriage.
Men also visit the Mikveh once a year for Yom Kippur and before festivals like the eve of Shabbat. :D
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