Quotes from William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet


Who said it to whom and why it is significant
Flashcards by cecicurtis, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cecicurtis over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
" O, I see that the fairy, Queen Mab, has been with you." Mercutio to Romeo
" But soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun " Romeo to Himself re: Juliet (aside)
"O, faithful pharmacist! Your drugs are quick. With this kiss I die." Romeo to himself re: poisoning himself
"Noise! Then I'll be brief. What luck-a dagger! This is your holder. Rest there and let me die" Juliet to herself re: about to kill herself after seeing Romeo dead
"I wish I were a glove on her hand so that I could touch her cheek." Romeo to himself re: Juliet seeing her on the balcony
What's in a name? The thing which we call a rose would smell just as sweet if it had any other name" Juliet to herself re: Romeo and why he is a Montague (her enemy)
"Disgusting rascal! I'm not one of his flirting women and I'm not one of his cutthroats." Nurse to Mercutio and gang. Telling him to be more polite
"I'll never be satisfied with Romeo until I see him--dead--is my poor heart, so upset am I about my cousin's death." Juliet to Lady Capulet; she is lying about Romeo
"So as the situation stands. I think you should marry Count Paris." Nurse to Juliet
"Take this bottle, and when you are in bed, drink this distilled liquor. Immediately, a cold and quieting liquid shall run through all your veins. Your pulse will stop. There'll be no warmth or breath to prove that you're alive." Friar to Juliet
"Or if I wake, wont I be driven mad, closed in with all these hideous fears, and play...with my ancestors' bones..." Juliet to herself before she takes the fake poison
"You detestable stomach. You womb of death. You are gorged with the dearest morsel on earth. So I'll force your rotten jaws to open, and to spite you, I'll cram you with more food!" Romeo to the tomb/crypt that Juliet is in
"Come! Come with me and we'll make this ceremony short. You shall not be alone, until the holy church joins you two together." Friar to Juliet and Romeo
"No is not as deep as a well, or as wide as a church door. But it's enough, it will serve. Ask for me tomorrow and you'll find me a grave man." Mercutio to Romeo
" Tybalt wanted to kill you, but you kill him. You are fortunate. The law that threatened your death became your friend and gave you exile. You are fortunate." Friar to Romeo
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