Lattice enthalpy definitions


A Levels Chemistry A2 revision Flashcards on Lattice enthalpy definitions, created by lucy.wright73 on 07/02/2014.
Flashcards by lucy.wright73, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lucy.wright73 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Lattice enthalpy Enthalpy change that accompanies the formation of 1 mole of an ionic compound (solid lattice) from its gaseous ions, under standard conditions
Standard enthalpy change of formation Enthalpy change that takes place when 1 mole of a compound is formed from its (constituent) elements, in their standard states under standard conditions
Standard enthalpy change of atomisation Enthalpy change that takes place when 1 mole of GASEOUS ATOMS forms from the ELEMENT in its standard state
1st ionisation energy (slightly different definition in this context) Enthalpy change accompanying the removal of 1 electron from each atom in 1 mole of gaseous atoms, to form 1 mole of gaseous 1+ ions
2nd ionisation energy (there can also be 3rd, 4th etc.) Enthalpy change accompanying the removal of 1 electron from each ion in 1 mole of gaseous 1+ ions, to form 1 mole of gaseous 2+ ions
1st electron affinity Enthalpy change accompanying the addition of 1 electron to each atom in 1 mole of gaseous atoms, to form 1 mole of gaseous 1- ions
2nd electron affinity Enthalpy change accompanying the addition of one electron to each ion in 1 mole of gaseous 1- ions, to form 1 mole of gaseous 2- ions
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