Blood Brothers


This is all about the Blood Brother and why they were seperated.
Flashcards by 09hawkinsr, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 09hawkinsr over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are Blood Brothers? Blood Brothers are a companion ship which should never be broken.
Why is Mickey and Eddie seperated at birth? They are seperated due to Mrs Johnstone not having enough money to keep both of them.
How do Micky and Eddie meet? Micky was playing at the park ( where he was not ment to be) and Eddie sees Micky and goes to find him.
Why do the twins become Blood Brothers? They became Blood Brothers because they were born on the same day and they wanted to be friends forever.
What does Mrs Johnstone give to Eddie before he moves to the country? She gives him a locket with a picture of Her and Micky so he would never forget Micky.
How does Micky meet Eddie again? The Johnstones where moved to the country due to all the people in there negbour hood being moved out so they could take the old buildings down.
Why does Mrs Lyons hessitate when she saw the locket? Because it had a picture of Mrs Johnstone and Micky in it and she thought it was Mrs Johnstone and Eddie.
Why does Mrs Lyons keep trying to give Mrs Johnstone money to go away? Because she thinks that Mrs Johnstone will tell Eddie that Micky is really his brother.
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