1_Risk Analysis


This is the whole of the Risk anlaysis module for Loughborough uni AAE Part A
Ben  Jenner
Flashcards by Ben Jenner, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Ben  Jenner
Created by Ben Jenner over 8 years ago
Ben  Jenner
Copied by Ben Jenner over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Define Failure Deviation from normal design intent or operating standard
Define Hazard A situation with the potential to cause death, injury, damage, losses or liabilities
Define Accident An unplanned, uncontrolled event giving rise to death, injury, ill health, damage or loss.
Define Consequences An outcome resulting from an accident.
Define Severities A measure of the consequence
=================================== HAZOP =================================== =================================== HAZOP ===================================
Define Hazard Analsysis The identification of events which lead to a hazard and an analysis of way in which these event could occur and how likely harmful effects are
What does HAZOP stand for? Hazard and operability studies
What actually is Hazop? The application of a formal, systematic, critical examination of the intentions of new facilities to assess the hazard potential of mal-operation of pieces of equipment and the consequential effects on the facility as a whole.
Aims of Hazop Aims to stimulate the imagination of designers and operators in a systematic manner so that they can identify the causes of potential hazards in the design.
Who carries out a HAZOP? A team of experts
Define Intention (Re. an item in hazop) How the part is expected to function
Define deviations (Re. an item in hazop) deviations from the design intention which are discovered by systematic application of the guide words.
Define causes (Re. an item in hazop) reasons why deviations might occur. Causes can be classified as realistic or unrealistic.
What can we do with unrealistic causes reject them
Define Consequences (Re. an item in hazop) the results of the deviations.
What are the collums of a HAZOP table left to right
meaning of guidewords? NO/NOT MORE THAN/ LESS THAN AS WELL AS PART OF REVERSE OTHER THAN Parameter is zero increase of decrease in a parameter qualitative increase qualitative decrease opposite subsitution
Give some standard process parameters the guide words may describe • Pressure • Temperature • Flow
Give some examples of HAZOP application areas • chemical • oil and gas • pharmaceutical • food processing • UAVS • fork lift truck activities • nuclear
HAZOP limitations - Cannot detect every weakness (e.g. layout problems) - Cannot make up for lack of knowledge - Assumes system constructed and operated as designed.
=================================== FMEA =================================== =================================== FMEA ===================================
What does FMEA stand for? Failure mode and effects analysis
What does FMECA stand for? Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis
What does FMECA include that FMEA doesn't classification of each potential failure effect according to its severity
State and describe the 2 types of FMEA • Product - Analysis of product and how failures effect product operation • Process - Analysis of product manufacturing, maintenance and usage and effect on product operation
State and describe the 2 FMEA Approaches • Functional - sub assemblies considered e.g. A valve control system • Hardware - each component considered e.g. Sensor, controller, valve.
What are the first 6 stages of FMEA? 1. Define the system 2. Construct block diagrams 3. Record all assumptions made 4. Define failure modes of system 5. Define failure modes of components 6. Complete FMEA worksheets.
FMEA Stage 1. What must the definition of the system include. • What the system comprises • Boundaries and interfaces • Function in all operation modes • Environment profile • System phases • System mission and objectives
FMEA Stage 2. Hierarchical diagrams
FMEA Standard table
What are the last 2 stages of FMEA? 7. Review worksheets to determine reliability critical components 8. Make recommendations for design improvements and further work
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