Trade union decline and the consequences for HRM


Degree Business and Management (Human Resource Management) Flashcards on Trade union decline and the consequences for HRM, created by Emily Bramhall on 19/04/2016.
Emily Bramhall
Flashcards by Emily Bramhall, updated more than 1 year ago
Emily Bramhall
Created by Emily Bramhall almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What percentage was trade union membership in 1979? What did this decrease to in 2015? In 1979, membership was 58% and in 2015, this dropped to 25%
Is 56% of membership in the private or public sector? Public
What do unionists believe caused the decline in trade unions? Government legislation
What example could you use for evidence of a repeating pattern? Northern Ireland journalists - March 2016
What are 95% of Northern Ireland Journalists striking over? 14.5% pay rise
What isn't happening because Alpha newspapers are disclosing information? Collective bargaining
What percentage of journalists are now members of trade unions? 85%
What is causing industrial restructuring? Globalisation
What has changed in the workplace to make it less of a 'them and us' culture Smaller, more personalised workplaces
Under the Trade Union Act of 2016, what percentage of people need to be favourable towards strikes? 50% (and 40% in essential services)
What have unionists said they might do once the 2016 Act has been put in place? Break laws
What's the negative aspect to managers having more power, flexibility and control? More power means more responsibility and so managers will now have more work on their plates.
What did Trade Union's help to influence amongst the workforce? Bottom up communication
What should be introduced, now that Trade Union's haven't got as heavy a presence? The psychological contract
Why could conflict occur now that trade unions aren't present as heavily? Staff representatives may be elected and if something doesn't go their way, people may blame them. People always look for someone to blame.
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