Cardiac physiology


Echo Flashcards on Cardiac physiology, created by ecmarchese on 28/01/2014.
Flashcards by ecmarchese, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ecmarchese almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Specialized muscle cells _____ produce and transmit electrical impulses to create contraction and relaxation of the heart. Myocytes
What are the components of the conduction system? SA node, AV node, bundle of his, bundle branches, purkinje fibers
Known as the pacemaker of the heart. Located at the border of the SVC and RA. SA node
What does the AV node do? Delays impulses to let the ventricles fill with blood.
What is the normal pacing of the AV node? 40-60 in the AV junction, 20-40 in the ventricles
Receives impulses from the AV node and conducts the depolarization wave to the apex. Bundle of his
Stimulation of ______ fibers causes depolarization of the cells and contraction occurs. Purkinje fibers
The heart contract from? The inside to the outside
Where does depolarization begin? Begins at the apex and moves to the base
The p wave represents? Atrial depolarization
The QRS wave represents? Ventricular depolarization
The T wave represents? Ventricular repolarization
What 2 nervous systems affect the heart rate? Sympathetic, parasympathetic
Fibers attached to the SA and AV nodes via the vagus nerves controlling heart rate Sympathetic nervous system
What does the sympathetic nervous system do? Increase HR and increase contraction
What is derived from the vagal cardiac nerves located in the neck? Parasympathetic nervous system
What does the parasympathetic nervous system do? Decrease HR and decrease force of contraction
Timing from the beginning of one heart beat to the next. Cardiac cycle
This begins with the closure of the semilunar valves, on EKG it is the end of the T wave to the onset of QRS Ventricular diastole
What are the 3 events of ventricular diastole? Isovolumic relaxation, passive filling, atrial systole
This occurs from the closure of the semilunar valves to the opening of the atrioventricular valves. Isovolumic relaxation
What 3 stages are in the passive filling stage? Rapid filling, reduced filling, equalization
Blood enters the ventricles passively yet rapidly due to swift ventricular relaxation. Rapid filling
Flow is reduced and pressures begin to equalize. Reduced filling
Pressures equalize before mid-late diastolic pressures begin to rise. Equalization
During atrial contraction, how much blood is forced into the ventricles? 1/3
Closure of the AV valves S1
Closure of the semilunar valves S2
Opening of the AV valves S3
Atrial systole S4
What are the RA pressures? Mean- 0-8 mmhg
What are the RV pressures? Peak systolic- 16-30 mmhg, end diastolic- 0-8 mmhg
What are the PA pressures? Peak systolic- 16-30 mmhg, end diastole- 0-8 mmhg
What are the LV pressures? Peak systolic- 100-140 mmhg, end diastolic- 3-12 mmhg
What are the LA pressures? Mean- 0-12 mmhg
What are the aortic pressures? Peak systolic- 100-140 mmhg, end diastolic- 60-90 mmhg
What is an abnormal heart sound that is caused by turbulent flow in the heart or great vessels? Heart murmurs
What are the components of the pulmonary system? Right ventricle, main pulmonary arteries, pulmonic capillaries, pulmonary veins
What are the components of the systemic circulation? Left ventricle, aorta, systemic capillary network, cerebral, abdominal, and peripheral veins, and superior and inferior vena cava
Amount of blood ejected from the LV into the aorta Cardiac output
What is the equation for cardiac output? Stroke volume x bpm
The volume of blood ejected with each beat Stroke volume
What is the equation for stroke volume? EDV- ESV
The hearts ability to increase cardiac output is dependent on what 4 things? Preload, after load , Inotropic force, chronotropic force
Filling of the heart during diastole Preload
The resistance that the heart must pump against After load
Contractility of the heart muscle ( force of contraction) Inotropic force
Heart rate or the rate of contraction Chronotropic force
What does the frank starling rule state? The more blood that enters the ventricle, the greater amount of blood that must be pumped out during systole
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