Reptile Identification


Taxonomic classification and identification of reptiles
cobalt garcia
Flashcards by cobalt garcia, updated more than 1 year ago
cobalt garcia
Created by cobalt garcia almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The order of Tuatara Rhynchocephalia
The family of extant tuatara Sphenodontidae
The order containing lizards and snakes Squamata
The suborder containing snakes Serpentes
The family containing venomous snakes wit proteroglyphous fangs Elapidae
The family name for venomous snakes with solenoglyphous fangs Viperidae
The family name of typically harmless, non-venomous snakes. Some have opisthoglyphous fangs Colubridae
Yellow-bellied Sea Snake Family Elapidae
Indian Cobra Family Elapidae
Coral Snake Family Elapidae
Coral Snake Family Elapidae
Indian Cobra Family Elapidae
Yellow-bellied Sea Snake Family Elapidae
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