Created by Maddie McIntyre
almost 9 years ago
Question | Answer |
Tio | Uncle |
Tia | Aunt |
Primo | Cousin (male) |
Prima | Cousin (female) |
Esposo | Husband |
Esposa | Wife |
Nieto | Grandson |
Nieta | Granddaughter |
Sobrino | Nephew |
Sobrina | Niece |
Cunado | Brother-in-law |
Cunada | Sister-in-law |
Suegro | Father-in-law |
Suegra | Mother-in-law |
Nuera | Daughter-in-law |
Yerno | Son-in-law |
Hermanstra | Step-sister |
Hermanstro | Step-brother |
La mujer | Woman/Wife |
El marido | Husband |
Madrastra | Step-mother |
Padrastro | Step-father |
del mundo | In the world |
Mundo | World |
Siguienta | Following/next |
Cuadra | Block (of houses) |
de la misma edad | the same age |
por supuesto | of course |
entonces | so |
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