Italian food and other lunch/dinner food (Mas Comidas)


These are the words that you had to translate through
The Wise Girl
Flashcards by The Wise Girl, updated more than 1 year ago
The Wise Girl
Created by The Wise Girl over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Hamburger la hamburguesa
Spaghetti espagueti
Lasagna lasaña
Rice el arroz
Beans los frijoles
Pasta pasta
Chips las papas / papitas
Cake pastel
Cheesecake pastel de queso
Soup sopa
Ice Cream el helado
Pizza la pizza
Popcorn el palomitas de maíz
Granola Bars las granolas
Noodles los fideos
Cookies las galletas
Pickels los pepinillos
Mashes Potatoes las papas masticadas
Tomato Sauce el salsa de tomate
Alfredo Sauce el salsa de alfredo
Pesto el pesto
Olive Oil la aceite de oliva
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