Ch 8-Subnetting


Flashcards on Ch 8-Subnetting, created by Joshua Snider on 07/01/2014.
Joshua Snider
Flashcards by Joshua Snider, updated more than 1 year ago
Joshua Snider
Created by Joshua Snider almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the default subnet masks for class A, B and C networks?,, and respectively
What is the largest subnet mask available (in CIDR) and why is it limited? /30, not /32 because we need the last 2 bits for host addresses
What is the subnet mask associated with /11? 255.224
What is the subnet mask associated with /16?
What is the subnet mask associated with /20?
What is the subnet mask associated with /26?
What are the 5 questions associated with subnetting? How many subnets, how many hosts per subnet, what are the valid subnets, what is the broadcast address associated with each subnet, what is the valid host range for each subnet?
What equation do you use to calculate the number of subnets? 2 to the x power, where x is the number of enabled bits of the subnet mask
What equation do you use to calculate the number of hosts per subnet? 2 to the x minus 2, where x is the number of host bits.
Why do you subtract 2 (from the previous eqn)? 1 for the subnet mask and 1 for the broadcast address.
How do you calculate the valid subnets? 256 - subnet mask = increment. Starting at 0, increase by the increment until you reach the subnet.
How do you calculate the broadcast address of each subnet? The broadcast address of that subnet is the number right before the next subnet value.
How do you calculate the valid host addresses? It is the numbers between the subnet mask and the broadcast address-think emitting the 0's (subnet mask) and 1's (broadcast)
Do example 3C on pg 221. Did you get it right?
What is the /30 subnet mask especially good for? Point-to-point links, or WAN links
Do example 1B on pg 228. Did you get it right?
Do example 3B on pg 229 Did you get it right?
A router receives a packet on an interface with a destination address of What will the router do with this packet? Discard the packet b/c it's a broadcast.
What are the 4 steps for troubleshooting IP addresses? Ping the loopback, ping the local host, ping the default gateway, ping the remote host.
Figure out what's wrong with Figure 8.5 on pg 238 Server B has been configured with the broadcast address of its own subnet.
What is static NAT Having a 1-1 mapping of local hosts to public IP's. Anytime a local host sends a packet, the SNAT uses that hosts' public IP
What is Dynamic NAT Translates the local host IP to one of a pool of public IP's.
What is NAT overload/Port Forwarding/Port Address Translation Most common type of NAT-uses 1 public IP address for all the local hosts and identifies the hosts by adding port numbers to the public IP.
Identify the NAT terms in the spiral notebook How did you do?
Essentially, what is subnetting? Taking one large network and breaking it into a bunch of smaller networks
Is the relationship between the # of subnets and # of hosts inverse or direct? Why? Inverse-the more possible subnets, the fewer possible hosts. Because the subnet value is made by reserving some of the host bits.
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