Oil and Oil Spills


Environmental Science Flashcards on Oil and Oil Spills, created by 19eh94 on 04/12/2013.
Flashcards by 19eh94, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 19eh94 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is petroleum Oil (crude oil)? One of the most useful (non-renewable) materials in the economy which is used as commercial energy (gas, kerosene, disel) and as materials for plastics and other synthetics
How is Oil mined/Extracted in Oil Sands? It's extracted from other energy sources, Water and NaOH is then added to seperate cells so bitumen is then extracted
What are the oil sands? Sands that contain and amount of oil that is extracted. It isn't reflected to be as large potential of total oil supply.
What are the names of Alberta's Oil Sands? Athabasca Oil Sands Cold Lake Oil Sands Peace River Oil Sands
What are some impacts to the environment that Oil Sands hold? Large Areas of forests are cleared. H2S is increase in areas of extraction. Large growth in GHG emissions.
What are some Causes of Oil Spills? All oil is transported away from the site to anywhere around the world, that gives it lots of oportunity for an accident or spillage. "Super tankers" through open waters, smaller tankers through in land waters, even through terrestrial and marine pipes.. some is also even intentialy spilled as war or terrorist attacks.
What happened at the Exxon Valdez spill? It's a major spill in the US, about 750000 barrels were spilled. It was said that the captain hit a coral reef because he was drunk!
What happened at the Prudhoe Bay spill? Largest oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. About 500000 Barrels were spilled and it was said that the boat hit a coral reef because the captain was drunk!
What are was of Oil dispersion? Spreading, Evaporation, dissolution, residule tar balls
How does the cycle work for once oil hits the water?
What does degradation include? Biodegradation Photodegradation
What speeds up biodegradation process? Phosphorus and Nitrogen are good sources to speed up biodegrdation. Add some P and N rich fertilizer to a small oil spill.
What are the three most toxic Hydrocarbons of Oil? Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Alicyclic Hydrocarbons Aromatic Hydrocarbons
How are oil hyrdocarbons toxic? Hydrocarbons disrupt cellular membrane which causes cellular leakage, then leads to cellular death, and then death of the tissues of animals.
What are some containment and recovery equipment? Booms, Skimmers, Barriers, natural or synthetic materials
What are a couple mechanical methods of clean up? Booms, floating barriers to oil made of plastic or other materials. Skimmers, boats that net together and remove oil from deep sea surface before reaching the coast line.
What are some Chemical/Biological Methods of clean up? Dispersants, chemicals contain solvents to break up oil into small droplets. Gelling agents, that react with oil to create a more rubbery oil clump that is easier to collect. Biological agents like adding bacteria to break up oil.
What effects do oil spills have on Wildlife? Seabirds that are effected can't fly, lose insulation and buyancy which means they will either freeze to death or drown, and are too heavy so they can't fly. As all same effects on other marine mammals.
What are some Statistics from the Exxon Valdez spill? 50% was degraded 20% evaporated 14% was cleaned up 250000 seabirds effected 2800 otters effected 300 seals effected 250 bald eagles effected
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