Created by ImaniBem17
about 11 years ago
Question | Answer |
Via Appia | The Appian Way |
vilicus | overseer, farm manager |
dominus | master Derivatives: domination |
absum, abesse | to be away, to be absent Derivatives: absentee |
area | open space, threshing-floor Derivatives: area |
plenus | full Derivatives: plentiful, plenteous |
quamquam | although |
musso, mussare | to mutter |
verbero, verbare | to beat Derivatives: reverberate |
id quod | that which, what |
ira | anger Derivatives: irate |
illa nocte | that night Derivatives: nocturnal |
effugio, effugere | to flee, run away, escape Derivatives: refugee |
impedio, impedire | to hinder Derivatives: impede, impediment |
se celare | to hide (himself) |
porta | gate |
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