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Fact, opinion and bias


Fact, opinion and bias flashcards
Alan Stone
Flashcards by Alan Stone, updated more than 1 year ago
Alan Stone
Created by Alan Stone over 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Fact This is something which cannot be challenged and is known to be true
Opinion This is a belief which cannot be proven. Opinions usually express feelings
Bias A preference for one thing over another. Often, but not always, this is an unfair preference or prejudice.
Fact, opinion or bias? Michael Jackson died in 2009 Fact You could Google this or use Wikipedia to check or prove it. That's what I did!
Fact, opinion or bias? The buses in Leeds are a disgrace! They are never on time, the bus drivers are rude and can't drive. They never know where they are going and always ask the passengers. Disgusting! Bias Sounds like this person has something against Leeds buses. Look out for words like "never, always" and strong language like "disgusting". These show the writer isn't prepared to give a balanced view.
Fact, opinion or bias? The best way to study is to put on your favourite music and work for at least one hour non-stop. Opinion This might work for some. Others might get distracted listening to the words of the song or only want to work for 25 minutes before taking a break. Pomodoro technique anyone?
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