Created by Gabriel Goulart
10 months ago
Question | Answer |
afflicted with heart trouble | Experiencing heart-related health issues. |
broken sentences | Incomplete or fragmented sentences. |
veiled hints | Indirect or subtly concealed suggestions or clues. |
half concealing | Only partially hiding or obscuring something. |
near | Close in proximity or distance. |
newspaper office | A workplace or location where newspapers are produced or edited. |
intelligence | Information, knowledge, or the capacity to understand or learn. |
railroad | A system of tracks, trains, and associated infrastructure used for transporting goods and passengers. |
disaster | A sudden event causing widespread destruction, distress, or loss. |
hastened at forestall | Moved quickly to prevent or anticipate something from happening. |
paralyzed | Unable to move or act, often due to injury or illness. |
wept at once | Cried immediately or without delay. |
with sudden | Happening abruptly or unexpectedly. |
wild abandonment | Extreme or unrestrained behavior, often in disregard of consequences. |
storm of grief | Intense emotional distress or sorrow, likened to a turbulent weather event. |
armchair | A comfortable chair with side supports for the arms. |
physical exhaustion | Extreme fatigue resulting from physical exertion. |
haunted | Frequently visited or frequented by ghosts or spirits; also used metaphorically to describe being tormented or obsessed by something. |
seemed | Appeared or gave the impression of being a certain way. |
aquiver | Trembling or quivering with excitement, nervousness, or anticipation. |
peddler | A person who sells goods, typically traveling from place to place to do so. |
crying | Shedding tears or making sounds indicative of distress or sorrow. |
wares | Goods or merchandise for sale. |
twittering | Producing a series of light, high-pitched sounds, like birds chirping or people talking excitedly. |
eaves | The lower edges of a roof that overhang a wall. |
piled | Placed or arranged in a heap or mound. |
cushion | A soft object used for sitting or leaning on, typically filled with material such as feathers, foam, or cloth. |
motionless | Completely still; not moving or showing any sign of motion. |
sob | To cry noisily, often with convulsive gasps. |
patches | Small pieces or areas of something, typically referring to fabric or material. |
be spoken | To be expressed verbally or communicated. |
repression | The act of restraining, controlling, or suppressing something, often referring to emotions, desires, or actions. |
strength | The quality or state of being physically strong or mentally resilient. |
full stare | A prolonged, intense gaze or look, often with wide-open eyes. |
gaze | A steady or intent look, often indicating interest, admiration, or contemplation. |
fixed away | Looking or directed in a specific direction, away from the current focus or subject. |
off yonder | In a distant or remote location, often used informally to refer to a far-off place. |
glance | A brief or quick look or glimpse. |
suspension | The temporary cessation or interruption of something, often implying a state of uncertainty or delay. |
intelligent thought | Rational, logical, or insightful mental processes or ideas. |
fearful | Feeling or showing fear or anxiety; apprehensive or frightened. |
subtle | Delicate, faint, or not immediately obvious; requiring keen perception or insight to detect or understand. |
elusive | Difficult to find, catch, or achieve; evasive or hard to grasp. |
creeping | Moving slowly and stealthily, often with the intention of not being noticed. |
sounds | Audible vibrations or waves that travel through the air or another medium, typically used to convey information or communicate. |
scents | Pleasant or distinctive smells or odors. |
bosom rose | A flower that grows or is placed near one's chest or heart, symbolizing love, affection, or intimacy. |
tumultuously | In a noisy, disorderly, or chaotic manner; with great excitement, agitation, or confusion. |
striving | Making great efforts or exertions to achieve something, often despite difficulties or obstacles. |
beat back | To repel or drive away something, typically an attack or threat, often with force or determination. |
will | The faculty of conscious decision-making; determination, purpose, or intention. |
powerless | Lacking power, influence, or control; unable to affect or change a situation. |
bitter | Having a harsh or disagreeable taste; also used metaphorically to describe intense feelings of resentment, disappointment, or sorrow. |
procession | A line or order of people or vehicles moving forward in a formal or ceremonial manner. |
absolutely | Completely, totally, or without any qualification or exception. |
bending | Curving or inclining in a particular direction; also used metaphorically to describe yielding or adapting to a situation. |
fellow-creature | Another human being or living being, often used to emphasize shared humanity or empathy. |
kind intention | A benevolent or considerate purpose or motive; the desire to do good or help others. |
blind | Unable to see; lacking sight or visual perception. |
persistence | The quality of continuing steadfastly in a course of action despite obstacles or opposition; determination or perseverance. |
men | Adult human males. |
women | Adult human females. |
impose | To establish or apply something, such as a rule, law, or obligation, often forcefully or without consent. |
brief | Lasting for only a short period of time; concise or succinct. |
illumination | The act of providing or receiving light; also used metaphorically to describe enlightenment, understanding, or insight. |
unsolved | Not resolved or explained; still lacking a solution or answer. |
mystery | Something that is difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or solve. |
count | To determine the total number of something; also, to be significant or worthy of consideration or notice. |
possession | The state of owning or controlling something; also, the state of being controlled by a supernatural force or entity. |
self-assertion | The action of asserting oneself, often in pursuit of one's rights, opinions, or desires. |
strongest | Possessing the greatest strength or power; also, indicating a high level of intensity or conviction. |
impulse | A sudden, strong, and unreflective urge or desire to act. |
whispering | Speaking in a low, soft voice, often in a secretive or confidential manner. |
kneeling | Assuming a position where one or both knees touch the ground, often as a sign of reverence, submission, or respect. |
before | In front of or ahead of in space or time; also, used to indicate a previous point or event. |
keyhole | A small hole in a door or lock through which a key may be inserted to open or unlock it. |
imploring | Making a sincere and earnest request or plea, often with desperation or urgency. |
admission | The act of confessing or acknowledging something, often reluctantly or with reluctance; also, the act of gaining entry or access to a place or event. |
beg | To make a sincere request or plea, often for something desired or needed, typically with humility or desperation. |
ill | Not in good health; sick or unwell; also, indicating harm, injury, or misfortune. |
heaven's sake | An exclamation expressing surprise, frustration, or emphasis, often invoking divine intervention or appeal. |
elixir | A magical or medicinal potion believed to have the power to cure illness, prolong life, or bring about transformation. |
through | Moving in one side and out of the other side; also, completing or finishing something. |
fancy | To imagine or visualize something in one's mind; also, having a preference or inclination for something. |
running riot | Behaving in an uncontrolled, disorderly, or unrestrained manner; causing chaos or havoc. |
shudder | To tremble or shake involuntarily, often in response to fear, cold, or disgust. |
arose at length | To stand up or come into being after a prolonged period of time or deliberation. |
quick | Moving or functioning with great speed or agility; also, mentally alert or sharp. |
prayer | A solemn request or entreaty made to a deity or higher power, often as a form of worship, devotion, or supplication. |
yesterday | The day before today; also, referring to the recent past. |
importunities | Persistent requests or demands, often made with urgency or insistence. |
feverish | Having or showing symptoms of fever; also, characterized by intense excitement, activity, or agitation. |
triumph | A great victory or success; also, the act or feeling of rejoicing or celebrating such an achievement. |
unwittingly | Without being aware or conscious of something; unintentionally or inadvertently. |
clasped | Held firmly or tightly together, often by interlocking or grasping with the hands. |
waist | The part of the body between the ribs and hips; also, the narrowest part of the human torso. |
descended | Moved or came down from a higher to a lower place or position; also, to be derived or originate from something. |
latchkey | A key for opening a latch or lock, especially one used to gain entry to a house or apartment. |
travel-stained | Dirty, discolored, or worn from travel or exposure to the elements. |
composedly | In a calm and composed manner; without agitation or disturbance. |
grip-sack | A small bag or suitcase for carrying personal belongings, typically with handles or straps for easy carrying. |
umbrella | A device consisting of a collapsible fabric canopy stretched over a metal or wooden frame, used for protection against rain or sunlight. |
amazed | Feeling or showing great surprise, astonishment, or wonder. |
stood | Past tense of "stand," meaning to be in an upright position on the feet; also, to remain in a particular state or condition. |
piercing cry | A loud and sharp cry or scream, often indicating intense pain, fear, or distress. |
screen from view | To obstruct or conceal from sight, often by placing something in between or creating a barrier. |
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