

Instructor Rotation four Flashcards on SD_R4_L25, created by Adlan Abdelaziz on 01/12/2022.
Adlan Abdelaziz
Flashcards by Adlan Abdelaziz, updated more than 1 year ago
Adlan Abdelaziz
Created by Adlan Abdelaziz about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
حأركز على... I will focus on...
تعليم حكومي public education
تعليم خاص private education
مراحل stages / levels
روضة kindergarten
أساس* Primary / basic
ثانوي secondary (high school)
جامعي university
قطاع خاص private sector
الآباء parents
مرحلة stage / level
إلزامية mandatory (fem.)
ينجحوا they succeed
ينتقلوا they move to / transfer to
المرحلة الثانوية the secondary level (high school)
الشهادة certification / diploma
امتحان الشهادة* exam for secondary school certification / high school diploma
الدوام offical school hours
شهر تسعة September (month number nine)
سبعة seven
شهر سبعة July (month number 7)
فصل دراسي semester/ term
فصول semesters / terms
نص السنة mid-year
سنة دراسية school year
مدارس مختلطة co-educational schools
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